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Our Yoghurt Options:

  • 125g natural yoghurt pkt 12
  • 1 pint natural yoghurt
  • 5 litre natural yoghurt
  • 5 litre set
  • 125g catering fruit pkt 12

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[tab_item title=”The benefits of Yogurt”]

The benefits of yogurt

Your body needs to have a healthy amount of good bacteria in the digestive tract,
And many yogurts are made using active good bacteria,one of the words you’ll be hearing more of in relations to yogurt is probiotics, probiotics which literally means ( for life ) refers to living organisms that can result in a health benefit when eaten in adequate amounts.

Yogurt comes from milk so yogurt eaters will get a dose of animal protein, about 9 grams per 6 ounce serving, plus several other nutrients found in dairy foods, like calcium b2   B12  potassium and magnesium.

The health benefits of yogurt are so impressive that many health  conscious people make it a daily habit

Low fat yogurt  contents

Calories.    165
Fat.             1.5g
Saturated fat  1.5g
Cholesterol.  10mg
Calcium.       20%
