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All lion quality eggs have a best before date printed on the shell as on the box to ensure freshness, one simple test of freshness is to place an egg in water generally if the egg is stale it will float and if it sinks it is fresh.

There are less than 80 calories in a medium size egg.

We are able to provide the following egg quantities:

  • 6 eggs
  • 5 dozen catering
  • 15 dozen
  • 30. Dozen

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eggs delivered to your office

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Storing eggs.

For optimum freshness and food safety,eggs should be kept at a constant temperature below 20c
To avoid the typical temperature fluctuations in a domestic kitchen it’s recommend that eggs ars stored in their box in the fridge


Why do some recipes say to use eggs at room temperature ?

This can be for a number of different reason, for example if you add a fridge cold egg to boiling water the shell may crack, as it expands too quickly heat and you lose some of the white before it sets.
In baking you may find a cold egg will not bind as well with other ingredients.so a batter can curdle resulting in a flat cake,
Room temperature eggs also whisk up more quickly as the protein in the white is less elastic than when cold, it is recommended to remove eggs from the fridge 30 minutes before they are required.


Vitamins in eggs.

Eggs are naturally rich in vitamin b2 vitamin b12 vitamin d and vitamin  A.